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Discover interesting gardening “how to” articles, plant keys and product recommendations. Our garden resources are inspired by topics and questions frequently asked by our Milwaukee area landscape clients and community members. We hope you discover helpful tips for beginning and seasoned gardeners alike. Enjoy!
In the meantime, check out some of our favorite gardening products.

*CobraHead Weeder
*Fiskars Big Grip Garden Knife
*Kneelo GKN Ultra-Cushion Kneeler
Zero G Garden Hose:
*100′ x 5/8″ (Gray)
*50′ x 5/8″ (Black)
*25′ x 5/8″ (Gray)
*Shake Away Fox Urine Granules (Rabbits)
*Shake Away Coyote Urine Granules (Deer)
*Sluggo (Slugs)
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